Frequently Asked Questions and Parent Handbook
Q: What are the rates for Rising Stars Childcare tuition?
A: Tuition rates will be covered in detail during our school site tour. Fees are charged per week, per child and are non-negotiable. For more information on rates please call (951) 577-6644. Daily tours are given on Monday – Friday after 5.30pm.
Q: What will my child do during the day? Children at Rising Star are active and busy!
Children at Rising Star are active and busy!
Our Schedule more or less
8.00am – 8.30am – Breakfast
8.30am – 9.15am outdoor play
9.15am – 9.30am – Cleanup/potty
9.30am – 10.15am – circle time, story time learning activities, we learn nursery rhymes, shapes, colors, phonics, numbers, and songs etc ..I have invested alot on materials that have an educational value( including Montessori) yet it is fun and feels like play..each child gets individual attention as my max capacity 6.
10.15am -10.30am – Cleanup/potty
10.30am -11.30pm – Free Play/ Group play
11.30am -11.45am – Get ready for lunch
11.45am -12.15pm – Lunch
12.15pm -12.30pm – Clean up/Potty
12.30pm – 1.00pm – Get ready for nap time, wind down
1.00pm – 3.30pm – Nap time ( No pick ups or visitors unless emergencies (i.e sickness) )
3.30pm – 3.45pm – Potty/PM Snack
3.45pm – 4.30pm – Arts, crafts, dance parties
4.30pm – 6.00pm – Free play/ group play
Q: Have you and your staff received the COVID vaccine?
A: Yes
Q : Are you open in the summer?
Our toddler, preschool and developmental programs operate on a year-round schedule. Rising Stars does offer a summer program for school-age children (Kindergarten through 8th grade). Summer camp flyers will be published by May. To hold a child’s spot during summer not in attendance till school starts 75% of summer agreed rate would have to be paid in one payment on the last day of public school. If last day of school falls during the week and full time care is needed till week ends a daily rate of $50/child will apply.
Q: Is there a Registration Fee or Enrollment Deposit?
A: To secure your child’s space at Rising Stars Childcare a Registration fee of $75 is due upon registration. All registration forms are due on or before your child’s first day of attendance. Thereafter, a $50 Re-Enrollment fee is due each August.
Q: What constitutes full-time care?
A: Full-time care includes 5 days a week, up to 40 hours per week.Q: What constitutes as extended care?
A: 40 hours and above, care after 6.00pm and hours not specified on signed contract. Hourly rates from 6.00pm to 9.30pm is ranges from $15/hr to $30/hr depending on the age.
Q: What constitutes part-time care?
A: We have part time programs offered. Part time care is a minimum of 2 days per week (if available) up to 20 hours a week.
We also have a part day learning program which accommodates your child between the hours of 9:00am – 11:30am with the minimum of 3 days per week, up to 5 days per week (when capacity limitations permits)
Q: Is Drop-In Care provided?
No, not at this time
Q: Is food provided?
A: Rising Stars Childcare is equipped with a full kitchen. We will provide your child with a nutritious breakfast, morning, afternoon snacks, as well as lunches at no additional charge. We welcome you to bring your own meals for your child. We welcome all cultural foods per your choice.
Each meal will be served 1% Milk for children over 1 year. Your child will never be forced to eat. We do promise to encourage your child to eat their lunch and “try new items” daily during their lunchtime experience. Infant formula prepared in bottles and/or breast milk must be provided by the parent on a daily basis and will be properly stored and administered per instruction. All bottles and foods must be labeled daily with your infant’s name prior to arrival. No opened baby food jars will be permitted and ALL bottles and foods must be sent home daily.
We do have a “no-nut” policy.
Q: What are the school hours?
A: Rising Stars Childcare is open from 8am to 5.30pm Monday – Friday, year round, excluding listed holidays. Your weekly tuition is based on the number of hours your child is in care. Extended hours till 9.30pm is available upon request and based on availability.
Q:What are your listed paid holidays for 2025-2026?

Q: What if the holiday falls on a weekend?
A: If the holiday falls on Sat – Friday will be observed. If the holiday falls on Sun – Monday will be substituted.
Q: Are rest periods provided?
A: Rising Stars Childcare will provide cots or nap mats for each child. Parents are responsible for providing a crib sheet, and a special blanket. Blankets will be sent home on Fridays. All kids in attendance before 2pm are required to lay down on their cots during nap time. They are not required to nap. Playing during nap time will disturb other children in attendance. They are encouraged to read a book or do an activity without making noise. Provider will not be responsible to wake up kids during nap time preventing them not falling asleep per parent request. It will be your responsibility to train your child not to fall asleep.
Q: Are toys provided?
A: Rising Stars Childcare will provide all toys and learning supplies. We do not encourage your child to bring any personal toys to the facility except on the given share day, which is Fridays. Rising Stars is not responsible for any damage incurred for personal tablets or electronics.
Q: Is immunization required?
A: All parents must provide proof of up-to-date immunizations before placement in Rising Stars Childcare. Please make sure your child’s updated immunizations are given to Ronika at each Doctor visit, so as we may keep accurate and up-to-date information for the safety and well-being of all children enrolled. Personal belief and medical waiver are not accepted.
Q: What happens if my child is sick?
A: For the safety of all children, parents will be notified as soon as possible if a child exhibits sickness (i.e. fever exceeding 100, vomiting, diarrhea, or potentially contagious disorders). Once notified, parents/guardians must collect their sick child(ren)within one hour of being contacted. Children must remain at home for a 24 hour period after any form of Antibiotics has been prescribed.
Q: What is your Child Illness Policy?
A: Child must be excluded from childcare if any of the following occur:
- Temperature of 100 degrees orally or 99 degrees Axillary or higher plus one of the following:
- Runny nose, cold with or without yellow-green discharge
- Cough
- Sore throat
- Swollen Glands
- Skin rash other than diaper rash
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea (caused by any reason)
- Any specific sign and symptoms of a communicable disease to which the child has been exposed.
- Lice or Knits
If your child is too ill to play outside with his or her class, or participate in regular classroom activities, then your child is too ill to attend.. Your child may return :
- Obtaining written verification from a doctor.
- Fever and symptoms free for 24 hours without the aid of Tylenol, or other fever reducing medications or other medications including cold and mucus suppressants.
- In the case of chicken pox, when all the lesions are scabbed over.
- In the case of head lice, following treatment with appropriate shampoo so that all nits (eggs) are gone.
- In the case of a contagious illness, your child should take an antibiotic for 24 hours before returning.
- In the case of persistent cough, 24 hours without the aid of cough suppressants, or allergy medication.
When a child is ill, the parents are expected to make every effort to give the provider as much notice as possible. Parents are expected to pay on child sick days.
*If questions arise to the appropriateness of a child’s return, the final decision will be that of Mrs. Ronika as here in Rising Stars we have a responsibility to each child to provide a healthy and safe environment.
Q: How does Rising Stars handle medications?
Provider is able to handle medications and administer to your child/Children with a prescription. For OTC medication, if the label reads consult doctor – a doctor’s note is required with dosage and frequency.
Q: How do you handle Injuries and Accidents?
A: Every consideration will be taken to ensure the safety of your child while in our care. Should an injury occur, a Minor Incident Report would be completed.
A copy of this report will be sent home. A parent or guardian will be notified regarding any injury that occurs while your child is in our care. In the event of a major medical emergency or accident, I will call 911 first. The child will be transported to the hospital noted on the Child Information Record (or the closest hospital).The parent/guardian will be called immediately
Q: Will Rising Stars Childcare assist in toilet training?
A: Rising Stars Childcare will assist parents in toilet training when your child is ready. If your child has been exposed to toilet training at home and is comfortable proceeding, we will work with your child to toilet train. If your child shows no interest, is fearful or hesitant – then we will go back to diapers until both the parents and the staff agree that the child is ready to attempt to toilet train again. There is no additional fees for potty training. Potty training friendly clothes are required (shorts/pants).
Q: What is your termination policy?
A: Parents and Provider agree to give two-week’s written notice of intent to terminate childcare agreement, commencing on the first Monday after written notice is received. Two-week’s child care fees are due in one lump sum immediately upon the written termination notice. If notice is not given, the child is not in attendance, and/or the child care is closed, the final two week’s fees are still due.
Provider reserves the right to issue an immediate Termination of this contract for any of the following:
- Lack of compliance with Handbook policies
- Non-payment
- Late payments
- Bounced checks
- Lack of parental cooperation, disrespect
- Failure to complete and return required forms
- Physical or verbal abuse of any person or property on the child care premises
- Concerning aggressive child’s behavior that needs intervention
- Serious illness of Provider or Provider’s family member
- Continual disciplinary problems
- False information given by parent
- Non usage of child care services for a period of 30 days or longer
- Expired or non-immunizations and/or physical.
Q: Is there a TRIAL PERIOD?
A: There will be a two-week (14 calendar days) Trial Period beginning on the child’s first actual day of care. During this time either the Parent or the Provider may terminate this agreement without further obligation. No pre-paid child care fees including the Enrollment fees, will be refunded if this agreement is terminated during the Trial Period.
Q: What are your unpaid Personal/Sick Days?
A: Seven (7) business days per year taken as needed. This will used to take my kids to doctor’s appointments etc. Provider will give Parents a minimum of two-week’s notice of unpaid personal days except in the case of Illness or Emergency where every attempt will be made to have a substitute care provider or an assistant with a fingerprinting clearance.
Q: What about paid vacations?
The provider will take 14 paid business days of vacation days in a typical calendar year during summer break and spring break. Parents will be given a minimum 3 week’s notice of such upcoming vacations. We appreciate our parent cooperation with our paid vacation policy. More information will be given during the initial tour.
Q. Do you do pick ups?
A: No
Q: Do you take kids on Field Trips?
A: No
Q: What curriculum do you use?
A: Experience Curriculum, Montessori and other materials exclusively created by Rising Stars Preschool and Childcare
Q: How many staff do you have?
A: Our daycare is licensed for 14 kids. Anytime we have 6 or more kids per licensing we are required to have 2 staff. All our staff have passed fingerprinting and background checks.
Q: Do you have a wait list?
A: Yes, We are currently accepting kids for the upcoming school year from end of July 2025. Please submit your information with expected enroll date to be placed on the wait list. When an opening becomes available, we will contact you. Thank you for your patience.
Q: What are the FEES?
Tuition is due prior to Monday of each week or in advance. Fee of $15/Week per child if not paid by Wednesday will be assessed.
All fees are due before returning. The provider may immediately terminate this contract without any notice if payment is not made on time.
Any child who is in our care for more than 10 hours in one day will be charged an additional $20 fee for each day if tuition is not paid by Wednesday of each week.
Fee of $35 will be charged for any returned checks
Tuition is expected for days your child may be absent due to illness, family emergencies, doctor visits, hospitalizations, vacations, or any other reason. Please note that tuition rates do not change if your child is sick. Previously paid fees for days not in attendance cannot be allocated for upcoming days in attendance. After extensive research, we have found our policy to be consistent with other schools and child day care centers. Because our costs remain the same throughout the year, we rely on the specified tuition to be paid each week in order to meet our expenses. Consequently, as much as we might like to, we cannot make allowance for any days missed in your regular attendance schedule.
We do not trade a scheduled day for another day. Parents may request an added day or extended hours to a day. We will check our schedule and will let you know if an opening is available. Child may not return back to daycare till the payment is received including all the fees.
Families using the state subsidy program are responsible for paying any and all amounts not covered.
Q: Do you daily assess child for unusual changes, signs of abuse?
A: Yes, as a licensed Family Daycare we are required by CA Department of Social Services to report any concerning changes to child’s behavior, marks on the body, any signs of possible abuse. We take you child’s safety and health very seriously. We expect the parents to communicate with us any injuries/even a small accidental slip/fall, major or minor vehicle accident that may have happened at home but wasn’t concerning to seek medical attention then but it occurred, so that we can keep a watchful eye on the child when in our facility.
We will assess child’s body temperature etc. on arrival before been admitted for the day.
Q: What info will you be sending home?
A: Proper communication between our parents and Rising Stars is extremely important. Unless, a signature paper announcements will be limited. Rising Stars has gone green. Formal parent communication will be by text or email.
Q: What’s your policy on Pick ups?
A: Only the individuals listed on the Child Information Record, or on a written permission note from the parent, will be allowed to leave with a child. A picture I.D. from any unfamiliar person (including grandparents) will be requested. If there is any concern, the staff of Rising Stars Childcare reserves the right to deny a person’s request to pick-up a child. I will be available at pickup time for short questions. For longer discussions or particular concerns please schedule an appointment.
Q: What information do I need to update?
A: Any of the following changes:
- address and/or phone numbers, or e-mail address
- parent/guardian employment,
- health/immunizations up-dates, or;
- other pertinent information related to your child
Q: What is your policy on late pick ups?
A: Children enrolled part-time and full time basis are expected to be picked-up at the agreed upon daily time. The parent or guardian of a child not picked-up until after the contractual hours will be charged $1 per minute. Families who pick up late more than 3x, in a one year period, will pay $5 per minute. All late fees are expected by 6:00 p.m. the following day. This fee applies per family. Payment should be given directly to Mrs. Ronika.
Q: What are your charges for extended care? (6pm-9.30pm)
A: Weekdays – $15/hr/2+ years
Weekends – $20/hr/ 2+ years
Weekdays – $25/hr/infant
Weekends – $30/hr/infant
Q: What is your policy on Custody Orders?
A: Until custody has been established by a court action, one parent may not limit the other from picking-up a child in our care. The center must be notified immediately of any changes in custody orders. Certified custody orders must be given to Mrs. Ronika.
Q: What should I dress my child to send to Rising Stars childcare?
A: Licensing requires that children be taken outdoors each day. The children will play outdoors weather permitting. Children should be dressed accordingly: light jacket, heavy winter jacket, mittens etc. in winter. An extra sweater or sweatshirt at school is recommended for sudden changes in temperature. All clothing, including coats and boots, must be labeled clearly with your child’s name and should be not expensive as it will get dirty and worn out. Comfort over brand is recommended.
Q: What supplies are needed for Potty training?
A: Parents supply all diapers and wipes.
We recommend that when in training, your child be dressed in “user-friendly” clothing. Overalls, zippers, and snaps are difficult for small children to manage–especially in a hurry! While toilet training, parents are to provide lots of thick training underwear, plastic pants, socks, and outer clothing. We do not allow the use of “pull-ups”. They seem to only delay the toilet training process plus require extra time to change.
Q: Do you talk about body’s and boundaries?
A: Yes, There is a natural curiosity among children with regards to their bodies. When situations arise where we have to speak to children about body parts we use the anatomically correct terms. We also teach children that every person has boundaries and that our bodies are private and should be respected. Parents will be notified if situations occur in the classroom that directly affects their child(ren).
Q: What’s your policy on Bottles, Blankets and Pacifiers?
A: You may send extra bottles (infant room), a small security blanket, wash cloths, bibs, and pacifier for your child. We will make every effort to keep track of these items but will not be held responsible if lost. When you are ready to wean your child, please communicate with me so a consistent trategy between home and our childcare may be established.
Q: What is your Photographs and Publicity
A: Children in our programs may be taken from time to time and may appear in our website and our facebook page or to keep parents updated. Your permission for photographs of your child, to be used without compensation. A parent is able to elect to decline pictures to be taken by signing photo release document which can be found on the “Enrollment” tab.
Q: What type of guidance do you use for personality development?
Environment–A place designed for children.
Logical Rules–Such as keeping our hands to ourselves and taking care of the learning environment. These are discussed with the children as well as why such rules are needed.
Curriculum–Is developmentally appropriate, based on the children’s interest and level of readiness.
Positive Behavior–We reinforce the behaviors we wish to see repeated.
Redirection–Often interesting a child in another activity can eliminate potential difficulty.
Positive Reminder–Telling the children what we want them to do rather than using “no” or “don’t.”
Renewal Time–Occasionally, as a last resort, a child needs to be removed from the situation for a brief break.
This allows the child time to calm down and consider an alternate behavior.
Q: How do you handle difficult behavior?
A: We will make every effort to work with the parent or guardian to ensure a cooperative approach for children having difficulties with behavior. We are here to serve and protect all of our children! A parent may be called at work or home at anytime the child exhibits uncontrollable behavior that cannot be modified.
The parent may be asked to take the child home immediately. The following steps may be taken regarding children who display chronic disruptive behavior, upsetting to the emotional or physical well being of another child or an adult.
Initial Consultation:
Rising Stars will request that the parent or guardian meet for a conference. The problem will be defined on paper. Intervention strategies will be discussed. The best solution toward solving the problem will be agreed upon by the center director, teacher, and parent or guardian.
Second Consultation:
If the initial plan for helping the child fails, the parent will again be asked to meet with the director and teaching staff involved. Another attempt will be made to identify the problem, and establish a new, or revised, approach for solving the problem. Parents may be asked to consult outside professionals, or bring in behavioral specialists to help identify the problems or provide new strategies.
Our goal is to work as a team to better serve each child.
Dis enrolled: When the previous attempts have been followed and no progress has been made toward solving the problem, the child may be dis enrolled.
Corporal punishment will not be allowed. This is defined as the use of negative physical touching (spanking, slapping, pinching, etc.), exclusion from large motor or outdoor activities, or exclusion from any learning activity. No unusual punishment will be allowed such as humiliation, ridicule, threat, or coercion.
Q: Do you have Family Gatherings at Rising Stars?
A: On hold due to COVID
Q: What are the symptoms to stay home?

Q: What are you COVID Procedures?
Wanted to take a minute to go over the safety precautions we are currently following to provide parents some peace of mind when sending kids to our daycare. We have implemented them taking into consideration CDC and licensing recommendations appropriate for preschool aged children.
Parents drop off and pick up their children at the door. All visits will be kept brief as possible.
The following screening procedures are required by licensing:
Each child’s temperature is taken on arrival using a touchless thermometer. Children with a temperature of 100 or higher may not attend.
Parents will be asked all individuals about any symptoms ( including fever, cough, runny nose, difficulty breathing or other signs of illness within the last 24 hours).
Every attempt will be made to conduct new tours when there are no kids present with a mask.
Any exposure to someone at home who is suspected or confirmed with COVID-19. Kids may not return to daycare even with a negative COVID test if these symptoms still persist within 14 days.
Each child will be directed to wash hands upon arrival and we also wash hands often throughout the day. This includes after using a bathroom, before and after snack or lunch, before and after outdoor time and at various other transition times throughout the day.
The classroom furniture, surfaces, and learning manipulatives are cleaned and disinfected at the end of each day.
The bathroom is cleaned and disinfected at the end of each day.
If your child has a runny nose or cough, they may not attend. If they have had a fever in the previous 72 hours, please keep them home.
Masks encouraged for kids over 2-3 yrs as tolerated.
Monitor for any signs of illness throughout the day. Parents will be notified immediately via text or phone call. Any alternate plan to be communicated by provider to parent till the kids are picked up.
Kids who show any signs of illness will be separated from other kids till picked up for everyone’s safety. Please do not send your kids sick as we are not able to provide one on one attention/supervision when the kids have to be separated. It not only puts us in a position to compromise care but also makes us not follow guidance provided to us by Social Services. Expectation is to pick up sick child immediately.
Instructional posters that are age appropriate are posted to promote proper handwashing with visuals.
Toy sharing will be minimal as practically possible. Easy to clean toys will be used.
In the event I find out one of our kids have COVID19, we will be required to close the daycare for 14 days to avoid further spread of the virus and cleaning. It is in everyone’s best interest that we do everything possible to be safe while outside the daycare wearing masks, sanitizing and washing hands, and use your best judgement to keep your family and you safe during this time so essential service like our daycare can continue to help our community and also avoid inconveniencing more families who are depending on us for childcare. If I’m required to quarantine due to exposure to COVID19 it will leave our parents having to find alternate care with minimal notice.
Q: What is your sick policy if a child or parent tests positive for COVID19?
Per CDC guidelines, any individual who tests positive should self quarantine for 14 days.
Please let me know if you have any questions! We appreciate all our parents who are trusting your precious kids in my care and I want you to know that their health is of utmost importance to us, as much as learning and having fun while in my care.
Per licensing kids over 2 years are required to wear masks. Although, we understand that this is not achievable with younger kids, we will do our best to encourage masks for their own safety. Kids disposable masks are encouraged than cloth masks at our facility for sanitary purposes as they will be wearing it all day other than at meal times.
We apologize ahead of time for all the inconveniences ahead of time with our mask policy. Our intention is to avoid a outbreak to our best ability.
Q: Where do I get kids disposable masks?
Local stores like Albertsons, Pharmacies, Amazon
Q: Do you have a sample menu?
Bagel/Cream Cheese
Chicken Quesadillas
Taco Tuesdays (Shredded chicken/beef and cheese)
Pasta with ground beef + meat sauce/chicken, carrots or celery with ranch
Alfredo Pasta
Rice, Teriyaki/BBQ chicken/chicken nuggets, vegetables
Corn Dogs/hot dogs with baby carrots or mixed vegetables
Chicken or Turkey Sandwiches
Macaroni and cheese
Noodles with mixed vegetables and Chicken nuggets/beef/chicken franks
Fish crackers with string cheese
Yogurt with strawberries/ peaches
Pretzels with watermelon
Avocado toast
Strawberry jam sandwich
Served with 1% milk/ water
Juice is served like once a week
We are a part of the food program. To be in compliance with their rules, I will be including a protein/carb with a fruit and milk for snack and all lunches includes protein, carb, vegetable, fruit and milk.
Q: What subsidized programs do we accept?
A: We accept RCOE (Riverside County Office of Education) and GAIN. Please see below for their contact information. My Facility License No. is 334845444
Riverside County Office of Education
3939 Thirteenth Street Riverside, California 92501Phone: (951) 826-6530
Department of Public Social Services – Norco
County of Riverside Department of Public Social Services
517 W Parkridge Ave, Norco, CA 92860Phone: (951) 272-5400
Q: I have other questions and need more information. Where can I get more details about Rising Stars Childcare?
A: Please contact Ronika, Owner of Rising Stars Childcare directly. You may complete the Contact Us page on this website OR e-mail/call (951) 577-6644
Updated: December 24, 2024